Party Work Conference
At 3.30 P.M. on 22nd February, at the conference room of the west campus, Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch convened the first party work conference in this new semester, which was chaired by Party Branch Secretary Sun Yijun. In attendance were all Party committee members, branch secretaries, Party branch committees as well as an old Communist Party member Chen Anqi.
First of all, the General Party Branch discussed the paper entitled ‘Work Plans of Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch in the Second Semester of the 2016-2017 Academic Year’. Also, all party members learned the spirit of several documents issued by Municipal Education and Working Committee such as ‘the Forward Notification in terms of Investigation and Survey on Party Building Work in Non-State-Run Schools of Anhui Province Called Upon by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee& Provincial Education Committee’ in addition to ‘Chinese Communist Party’s Honest& Self-Disciplined Rules and Disciplinary Regulations’.
Second of all, Party Branch Secretary Sun Yijun reviewed the main tasks of Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch in 2016. She demanded that all party members intensify the ideological and political awareness, realize the significance and necessity of party affairs, earnestly make it practicable concerning studies on theoretical and practical issues of party construction, find and vigorously promote the moving stories of Anqing Foreign Language School’s outstanding party members, give full play to the role of the media, convey positive energy by means of the media as well as feasibly carry out the three-meeting-one-lesson policy. Other than that, Party branches were supposed to have a definite objective in view when they implemented the party work in combination with their actual conditions, innovate the forms of party affairs, perform the party work more effectively to let it go deep into various aspects of school work and better complete the work of developing party members so that Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Party Branch can recruit party members when conditions are ripe.
Third of all, Party Branch Secretary Sun Yijun required all party members to adhere to their highest personal standards of excellence and welcome the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with noble actions.
To conclude, the General Party Committee members talked about their respective thoughts and proposals. Additionally, old party member Chen Anqi and new party member Lao Guolin put forward favorable suggestions towards Anqing Foreign Language School’s party construction work.


